Recording in Progress? Seven Questions You Should Ask Before Starting a Podcast

March 20, 2023
Recording in Progress? Seven Questions You Should Ask Before Starting a Podcast

At some point in your marketing meetings, your team has probably asked the question, “Should we start a podcast?” 

It can be a daunting question. On one hand, so many people and companies have podcasts already, will you really stand out?

On the other hand, if you don’t start one, aren’t you missing out on an amazing advertising tool? 

According to Forbes, 57% of Americans over the age of 12 listen to podcasts, approximately 160 million people!

Podcasting originated way back in the 1980s when it was referred to as “audio blogging.” Thanks to streaming and new technology, podcasting officially began to take off in 2004 and 2005 with the support of the iPod and the iTunes platform.

Since then, millions of podcasts have been launched to educate and entertain. Some of the best examples in the world of business and marketing include Marketing Made Simple by HubSpot and Robinhood Snacks. As their titles imply, they quickly became known for easy, quick tips, news, and tutorials to walk you through the business and marketing worlds. 

Adding value to your fan base by suggesting new ideas, educating them on a topic and solution to their problem and entertaining them is a recipe for success. 

At the end of the day, podcasts that leave their audience with real value can grow quickly and accrue large followings. 

To help you and your team understand the benefits of a podcast, and more importantly, where to start, we’ve compiled an FAQ list below!

What is the point of starting a podcast for my brand?

Podcasting gives your team a free platform to tell your story and spread the word about your brand. At its simplest form, that is the whole point of marketing and advertising! Telling your story in an authentic manner is so important to growing your brand’s audience. 

What should we start a podcast about?

Finding creative ways to talk about your area of expertise, trends, tips, etc. are all great ideas for podcast episodes! You can host guest speakers and subject experts, interview your team, and allow your CEO to be known by your audience. 

How can we make sure that people remember our brand?

From an advertising perspective, podcasts are an extremely effective method of brand marketing. Routinely, studies find that 70-80% of podcast listeners recall the brands they heard throughout a podcast. Find what makes your brand/service memorable and play to that strength. Coming up with a catch phrase or repeatable perks/advantages will help your team stand out when recording content. 

I’m not a public speaker, is that a problem for starting a podcast?

Not at all. The best podcasts are genuine and conversational. Because it doesn’t have to be live, you can edit clips and find your best takes to stitch together into an episode. Not everyone who starts a podcast has years of experience or a degree in communication. The process is fun and creative, embrace it and give it a try!

What kind of audience can we expect?

While you will have to build your audience brick by brick, in general podcast listeners are highly engaged! Make sure you include plenty of calls to action and let your listeners know where they can find you through your website, social media, and email!

Where do we go to start?

Starting by finding basic podcasting gear like microphones, quality webcams, and decent lighting is your first step. All of this can be done on a budget through Amazon! After that, you can choose your recording and editing platform of choice. Personally, we love Anchor for editing and distributing our podcast with ease. 

If you’re looking to grow your audience, establish your brand as an authority in the industry, and foster a genuine community, then podcasting is your solution. Take the next step and start creating content through podcasting today!

Still not sure where to begin or how to craft your message? We can help. Schedule a free consultation with our team today and let us help you engage your audience on a new level. 

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