Five Star Rating: Why Testimonials Are Your Marketing Silver Bullets

February 27, 2023

Do you and your team find yourselves trying to describe the joy and visceral reaction your customers have when experiencing your product or solution? Why not show it instead! 

As we’ve chatted with businesses in our own backyard and across the country, we continue to find the conversation coming back to the importance of testimonials. If clients don’t have them, they want to get them as quickly as they can. If they do have them, they need to focus on replicating them and presenting examples in a visual medium. 

Creating testimonial digital assets such as videos, infographics, and quotes can be incredibly beneficial for your brand. Not only do they showcase the positive experiences of your customers, but they also provide a visual representation of those experiences that can be more impactful than written testimonials alone. 

Below are three great reasons why testimonial features can and should be your marketing silver bullets. Let us know what you think below!

Build trust and increase legitimacy  

One of the biggest benefits of creating testimonial digital assets is that they allow your audience to see, rather than just read, about the great experiences others have had with your brand. When potential customers can see a video of a satisfied customer or an infographic detailing the results of a product or service, they are more likely to trust and believe in the effectiveness of what you have to offer.

Referrals are just a click away

Another advantage of creating testimonial digital assets is that they can be shared easily across multiple platforms. Videos can be posted on YouTube and shared on social media, infographics can be shared on Pinterest and Instagram, and quotes can be tweeted or added to website pages. This allows your brand to reach a wider audience and increase the visibility of your testimonials.

Relatability is key

Additionally, testimonial digital assets can provide a more personal touch, helping potential customers to relate to the people in the testimonials. Seeing a real person having a great experience with your brand can make it more relatable and credible than just reading about it. This can help to build trust and credibility with your audience and increase conversions.

Overall, creating testimonial digital assets like videos, infographics, and quotes are fantastic ways to showcase the positive experiences of your customers and build trust and credibility with your audience. The visual nature of the testimonial and the ability to share them easily across multiple platforms makes them a powerful tool for any brand.

On board with the idea, but not sure where to start? Let’s schedule a quick, no-cost consultation to see how we can help you get your marketing strategy back in the game!

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